More Books for the Deeper Life
Paul, The Spirit and the People of God
By Gordon D. Fee.
Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2011, (originally published in 1996 by Hendrickson Publishers).
Fee is one of the most respected biblical scholars over the last several decades. He has a Pentecostal background but the book is non-sectarian and does a superb job of communicating the New Testament theology of the Holy Spirit. (Click on image for Amazon site.) Read more...
AUTHENTIC FAITH: The Power of a Fire-Tested Life
By Gary Thomas.
An excellent book with great stories that illustrate the way we grow and the value of testing. Very readable but also goes deep. (Click on image for Amazon site.)
The Brazos Introduction to Christian Spirituality
By Evan Howard.
Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2008, 496 pages. This is a comprehensive textbook on spiritual formation. It is arguably the best historically orthodox, non-sacramental, text for spiritual formation and a remarkable and long-awaited achievement. It is evangelical in the broad sense of the word. There is much helpful discussion on human dynamics and processes. It could be criticized for being too light on the way of the Cross; that is, that it underrepresents the scriptural and historical emphasis on death to self. Hence, one could argue that it doesn’t challenge the narcissistic and conviction-resistant attitudes of our day. It can also be criticized for a lack of scriptural analysis and not making the scriptural foundations explicit. If one supplements this text to fill in the weaknesses (e.g. for the way of the cross see Bruce Demarest’s Seasons of the Soul) then one would have a fairly well-rounded set of texts. However, at this time there is no good text or work that fully develops the scriptural foundations of spiritual formation. (Click on image for Amazon site.)
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